In order to acquire the analog signals of Fuelino, which correspond to the analog inputs A0 - A7 of the Atmel ATmega328p microcontroller, I created a simple library which uses ADC interrupts. Since interrupts are used, the application is not locked when reading the analog input voltage. In other words, the ADC readings can be … Continue reading "ADC acquisition library for Fuelino (ATmega 328p)"
Tag: sketch
How to program Fuelino controller
Programming a "Fuelino" fuel injection piggyback controller is very simple. First of all, you need to download the latest software release of Fuelino software, from this website, and you have to install the latest Arduino IDE, which is needed to compile the C/C++ source code. Once you have installed Arduino IDE, click on the file with … Continue reading "How to program Fuelino controller"
ECU Software V1 Explanation - Part 1
The Arduino sketch contains the usual Arduino standard functions setup() and loop(). SW V1 sketch can be downloaded here: efi_davide_20160131_v1. The function setup() is run when the microcontroller turns ON. In the code, the following instructions are executed: Timer1.initialize() initializes the timer object, which is used to handle the injection extra time. Timer1 is declared … Continue reading "ECU Software V1 Explanation - Part 1"