Service manual for Fuelino software 1.0 beta1

Fuelino software 1.0 beta1 has been already released. It can be downloaded from GitHub, at this page: The service manual can be downloaded here: fuelino_service_commands_v1.1. The manual explains how to use Serial communication, for example the free software RealTerm, or Arduino IDE Serial Monitor, to communicate with Fuelino via Serial communication (USB port). The … Continue reading "Service manual for Fuelino software 1.0 beta1"

ECU Software V1 Service Commands

When using software SW1 (efi_davide_20160131_v1), it is possible to request information to the ECU in real time, using the serial communication provided by the Arduino Micro Serial1 port. SW1 supports 8 bytes ASCII format commands (from PC, service tool, or logger), and they are interpreted by the following function, which is called every time 8 … Continue reading "ECU Software V1 Service Commands"