How Fuelino manages electronic fuel injection

This article has the purpose to explain how Fuelino calculates the control signal which is output to the fuel injector. In order to better understand how this simple control works, I decided to create a scheme using Matlab Simulink. The signal flow goes from left to right. First of all, in order to work, Fuelino … Continue reading "How Fuelino manages electronic fuel injection"

ECU Software V1 Service Commands

When using software SW1 (efi_davide_20160131_v1), it is possible to request information to the ECU in real time, using the serial communication provided by the Arduino Micro Serial1 port. SW1 supports 8 bytes ASCII format commands (from PC, service tool, or logger), and they are interpreted by the following function, which is called every time 8 … Continue reading "ECU Software V1 Service Commands"