Engine speed, injection time and throttle position visualization

Today the weather is nice, so I decided to have a ride and test the display visualization of the new software for data logger. This is my motorcycle: Honda CBR125R. Since I also modified some parameters of the ECU software, I first had to flash it on the Arduino Micro. In contrast with the data logger, … Continue reading "Engine speed, injection time and throttle position visualization"

ECU Software V1 Service Commands

When using software SW1 (efi_davide_20160131_v1), it is possible to request information to the ECU in real time, using the serial communication provided by the Arduino Micro Serial1 port. SW1 supports 8 bytes ASCII format commands (from PC, service tool, or logger), and they are interpreted by the following function, which is called every time 8 … Continue reading "ECU Software V1 Service Commands"