This guide will explain how to create a TCP/IP Server on Raspberry Pi 3 B, running Raspbian (or Raspbian Lite). The source code file is written in C/C++ language. The source code is very simple and short. The code below is available on this website, and uses Linux sockets to create a TCP/IP server on … Continue reading "How to run a C++ TCP/IP server on Raspberry Pi"
Tag: source code
How to implement an IMU using MPU-6050 and Fuelino Proto3
This guide shows how I implemented an IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) using Fuelino Proto3 (equipped with Arduino Nano) and an MPU-6050 accelerometer and gyroscope module. I will use this library to calculate the motorcycle leaning angles (Tait-Bryan angles: roll pitch yaw) based on the raw sensors data logged on the Micro SD card. Fuelino Proto3 … Continue reading "How to implement an IMU using MPU-6050 and Fuelino Proto3"