When you work as an engineer, it always comes the time when you need to perform some signal processing and visualize your data on a 3D, in real-time. This happened to me once I started playing with IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit): I acquired acceleration and gyroscope data from the sensor, and used my PC to … Continue reading "How to install GLFW library on Visual Studio C++ 2015"
Tag: OpenGL
Arduino 101 and Visual Studio C++ 2013
This article shows how to interface Arduino (in the example, I used an Arduino 101, but you can use any other Arduino model) with the PC. The Arduino sends IMU data (acceleration and gyroscope sensors data) to the PC using Serial communication. On the PC side, I implemented, using Visual Studio C++ 2013, a client software … Continue reading "Arduino 101 and Visual Studio C++ 2013"