Explanation about Fuelino software structure

This article explains the structure of Fuelino software. The software source code, which is available on GitHub at this link, is composed by many "cpp" and "h" C++ language files divided into sub-folders. In order to understand the software behavior, it is necessary to have a look at the "ino" file, which is the Arduino … Continue reading "Explanation about Fuelino software structure"

Arduino Software for the Fuel Injection controller (Version 1)

In this post, you can find the downloadable version of the software to be flashed in the ECU. After creating the ECU electronic circuit for adjusting your motorcycle Fuel Injection timings, it is necessary to upload the software inside the Arduino Micro. The software which I created is composed by 2 parts: "Tempo" library. It … Continue reading "Arduino Software for the Fuel Injection controller (Version 1)"