Today I would like to share with you some pictures of my new bicycle (フェラーリ折り畳み自転車). I won this Official Ferrari bicycle in December 2015, during my Company Christmas party. I am not exactly sure about the model name, but it seems to be similar to this. The price is about 34,000 Yen (300 Euro), not much if you consider that this product is Ferrari Official (however, it is made in China).
This is how the bicycle looked when coming out of the box. Since this is a folding bicycle, I needed to open it. Then, I mounted the right pedal (left pedal was already mounted). Unfortunately I could not try it in the evening, because here in Japan the regulations require to have a light mounted on the bicycle, to ride it when it's dark.
The light is a Panasonic SKL090, I bought it on Amazon Japan for 1,527 Yen (11 Euro), shipping expenses included. And also, I bought a chain lock, to protect it from thieves. I have to say that here in Japan there are not so many thieves (for sure less than in Italy), but just to make sure that no-one can easily steal it, I decided to buy a decent lock. This is probably a "made in China" product (it was just 1,080 Yen), but it didn't look so bad. The next picture shows you how light and lock look after installing them on the bicycle.
And, finally, these are the keys and how the key-holder looks like. Unfortunately, the key-holder was not included together with the bicycle. I bought in Venice Airport last year when I came back to Italy to visit my family. Doesn't it look so cute?
Up to now, I didn't ride my new bicycle for so long, but I had a positive impression of it. For sure, this is not a professional bicycle, but it is very convenient for going to the gym and to the supermarket. I could also use my motorcycle, of course, but going by bicycle is better because it is healthier. The distance to the gym (Konami Sports Club) is less than one kilometer, so it is acceptable.