Library for Arduino and MPU-6050 communication

As you probably already know from my project "Fuelino", I have been using a cheap and easy-to-use IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) called MPU-6050. This board mounts a cheap integrated circuit capable of acquiring acceleration and gyroscope (and temperature) signals with 16 bits resolution. Such raw data can be read from the main microcontroller unit (for … Continue reading "Library for Arduino and MPU-6050 communication"

GPS data logger using Arduino Uno/Nano and Ublox Neo 6M

This guide will explain how to interface Arduino Uno, Nano, or any other board equipped with Atmel ATmega328p, to a Ublox Neo 6M GPS module. This module is available on Amazon, Ebay, Aliexpress and many other Internet stores, at a price starting from 10 Euro. Interfacing it to Arduino is pretty easy, since it has … Continue reading "GPS data logger using Arduino Uno/Nano and Ublox Neo 6M"

How to install GLFW library on Visual Studio C++ 2015

When you work as an engineer, it always comes the time when you need to perform some signal processing and visualize your data on a 3D, in real-time. This happened to me once I started playing with IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit): I acquired acceleration and gyroscope data from the sensor, and used my PC to … Continue reading "How to install GLFW library on Visual Studio C++ 2015"

How to implement an IMU using MPU-6050 and Fuelino Proto3

This guide shows how I implemented an IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) using Fuelino Proto3 (equipped with Arduino Nano) and an MPU-6050 accelerometer and gyroscope module. I will use this library to calculate the motorcycle leaning angles (Tait-Bryan angles: roll pitch yaw) based on the raw sensors data logged on the Micro SD card. Fuelino Proto3 … Continue reading "How to implement an IMU using MPU-6050 and Fuelino Proto3"

Fuelino Proto3 datalog and Google Fusion Tables

Today I would like to show you one interesting feature of Fuelino. Using "Fuelino File Converter" (latest version available here), I converted the binary data stored by Fuelino on the Micro SD card, into an easily understandable CSV file, and imported it into Google Fusion Tables. The result is shown below: you can click on … Continue reading "Fuelino Proto3 datalog and Google Fusion Tables"